GODDESS RECIPES:OILS, PERFUMES ETC ---------------------------------- [From 'The Witches' Goddess by Janet & Stewart Farrar (C) 1987 and published by Phoenix Publishing Inc., Portal Way, P.O. Box 10, Custer, Washington USA 98240. Presented here to help encourage the continuance of The Craft and to encourage those who find it of interest to acquire the books written by the selfsame authors. Uploaded Into computer BBS circulation by the MYSTERIA MAGICIA BBS of Des Moines, IA.] MOON PRIESTESS PERFUME: 1 Drop Queen of the Night Oil 3 drops rose oil 1 drop lemon verbana oil 4 fl. oz (120cc) white spirit Blend the three oils in a bottle. Add the white spirit, and shake all vigorously. A cologne can be made by adding another 1 FL. oz (30cc) of white spirit and 3 fl. oz (90cc) of distilled water. MOON PRIEST COLOGNE: 1 fl.oz (30cc) lemon verbana or Lime oil 2 fl.oz (60cc) coriander oil 1/2 fl.oz. (15cc) camphor or myrrh oil 1/4 fl.oz. (7cc) white spirit 3 3/4 fl.oz. (105cc) distilled water Blend the oils in a bottle, add the spirit and water and shake all vigorously. Increasing the myrrh oils gives a darker perfume; increasing the camphor, a lighter and more spicy one. All perfumes 'behave' differently on different skins, so it is worth experimenting to find your own balance. EARTH MOTHER PERFUME: Musk oil Patchouli oil Rose Oil Blend in equal parts, bottle and shake well. ISIS PERFUME: Rose oil Blue Lotus Oil Blend equal parts, bottle and shake well. SUN GODDESS PERFUME: Cinnamon Oil Lemon Verbana Oil Ylang-Ylang Oil Blend equal parts, bottle and shake well. OIL FOR THE DARK OF THE MOON: 2 fl.oz.(60cc) tincture of myrrh 1 fl.oz.(30cc) oil of cinnamon 1/4 fl.oz.(7cc) Queen of the Night Oil 1 fl.oz.(30cc) oil of rose Blend, bottle and shake well. OIL FOR THE RITES OF ISIS: 7 drops oil of rose 2 Drops oil of Camphor 2 drops tincture of myrrh 3 drops oil of blue hyacinth Blens the oils of rose, camphor, and blue hyacinth during the waxing moon. Bottle and keep till the Moon wanes. Add the Myrrh KALI INCENSE: This is an individual and personalized incense, for attunement to your own Dark of the Moon. 1 oz (30gm) sandalwood chips 1 oz (30gm) Dried jasmine flowers or 6 drops jasmine oil 1/2 oz (15gm) dried rose petals 2 drops of your own menstrual blood Blens and use for private meditation during the onset of your menstruation. MORRIGAN INCENSE: 1 oz (30gm) musk amberette 1/2 oz (15gm) dragon's blood (resin used in violin staining) 4 drops patchouli oil 4 drops civet oil 4 drops of blood from your own finger Blend at the dark of the Mon, put in a jar and bury in the earth for 6 weeks (a flower pot of peat in a cool cupboard will do). ATHENE OIL & INCENSE: The olive is sacred to Athene, so use pure olive oil as an anoiting oil in particular, rub between the palms of your hands and annoit your feet, forehead and lips. For the Incense: 1 oz (30gm) cedarwood chips 1/2 oz (15gm) camphor 7 drops musk oil Female sweat (as much as possible) 6 olives unstuffed and preferabbly black Blend the first four ingredients well, at the full moon, and add the olives. Put in a jar and leave for one month to mature. Then remove the olives (Which will have imparted their essence to the rest) and throw them away. Stuffed olives, both black and green, are an obvious food for a ritual of Athene, also stuffed vine leaves, a very Athenian dish. If possible, of course, the wine should be Greek - especially retsina, though that is an acquired taste. PRE-RITUAL BATH SCENTS: To cleanse and relax the body before a ritual, and to energize the psychic centres. Fill small sachets of muslin cloth with equal amounts of the following herbs: Basil (for psychic energy) Borage (to strengthen the inner self) Lavendar (to banish mental and emotional stress) Centuary (a traditional witch herb) Rue (a traditional bathing herb) Put a satchet into your bath five minutes before you get in, to give the aromatics time to work. DIANA OF THE MOON INCENSE: It is recommended that it be made in the hour and the day of teh Moon - i.e. the first or eighth hour after sunrise, or the third or tenth hour after sunset, on a Monday. Thoroughly mix equal amounts of the following: Gum mastic Jasmine Mandrake Orris root add a few drops of wintergreen oil and moisten with a little clear mineral oil. AINE of KNOCKAINE INCENSE: 1/2 oz (15gm) meadowsweet flowers and leaf (gathered when the plant is in full bloom and dried) 1/2 oz (15gm) finely chopped pine needles 1/2 fl.oz. (15cc) lemon verbana oil By the way, meadowsweet blossom also makes a delicious wine.